What Is GeoConquesting?
GeoConquesting, simply put, is the most powerful technology to disrupt local advertising in todays marketing space. Often mistaken for GeoFencing, GeoConquesting has taken a shot of adrenaline to stay in front of your target audience for the life of their phone. Even if they never clicked on your ad. Yes, I said that and you heard me correctly.
GeoFencing can offer HyperMobile solutions (sending ads to individuals within a specified location through satellite and other technology) but once your target audience leaves that location, they become a ghost. Mobile cookies have about a 5-minute lifespan, so unless they clicked on your ad, they can not be retargeted.
With GeoConquesting, simply by their physical presence at your specified location, you are able to stay in front of them with your banner ads and display ad offers. Additionally, we use cross-device technology to reach them on their home computers and tablets.
GeoConquesting to Target Customers of Your Competition
Think of the use: your client just opened Joes Coffee shop. There are 5 Xbucks coffee shops within a few miles of his location with plenty of daily coffee drinkers. He knows that if only they touched their lips to your organic brew that they would charge his shop this very instant and never look back.
Joe would want to GeoConquest (GC campaign) those Starbucks locations and send them an offer they can’t refuse. When it comes to banner ads, the power is in the offer and its ability to get the attention of the target customer. Now, Joe knows these are coffee drinkers and he knows they likely either live or work nearby. There is no confusing intent and purchasing behavior. He may decide to send them targeted ads for 30 days, 60 days or for appropriate businesses, maybe even a year.
GeoConquesting for Large Clients
Now that Joe has a steady stream of converted customers, he’s in good shape. But let’s assume you have a large client. A very large client who’s pulling in hundreds or thousands of dollars with every conversion achieved. We’ll use a Las Vegas Casino as our next example and get into some heavy lifting.
Finding Players
Finding individuals that like to gamble is very difficult because it is a behavior that is not specific to any type of person or group. It is a personal preference. Therefore, innovative ways to source those players is paramount to any marketing and advertising effort.
Segmented Target Audience by Demographics
Those who enjoy gaming need to be segmented into special lists to indicate they are gamers and utilize marketing dollars on the people who have the highest likelihood of playing one of your casinos and ultimately increase your bottom line.
GeoConquesting for casinos would also mean that you may want to segment your audience by their income, preference, behaviors, etc.. Did they come to gamble or see a concert? Now how can you get them to return?
We can fine-tune your audience with nearly any demographic and layer groups to target tailored messages appropriately. Your concert-goers may best respond to shows over the next year to return. The table players may want to return for a tournament. Those making over $100,000 a year would be more likely to click a free room with a $5,000 marker offer and those under $50,000 would likely respond well to a “$100 gaming chips for $50” ad.
What is Geo-Conquesting?
GeoConquesting is the ability to show ads to people who go to competitors casinos. As Marketers and Advertisors, we all wish we could plant a pixel on our competitors websites to target their traffic, right? Well, it’s kind of like that, but with physical foot traffic.
We then show them specials, offers or amenities that will attract them to your casino based on our powerful, data driven, target groups. Wouldn’t you walk accross the street for that free $50 in gaming chips or bufett BOGO? Yeah, I sure would.
We can show live ads while players are in your competitors casino to attract them to yours.
In your own casino, you may wish to drive ticket sales to an event that weekend or slot tournament. The sky is the limit; it’s your message/offer, but we get it seen by interested players.
Once they respond, we track that they showed up at your casino as a conversion. You can monitor results to see how well the campaign is runningfor your casino client.
We are able to show these ads all across the Internet wherever display ads show up. We can also do this using cross device retargeting to show ads on their laptops and tablet devices as well.
How Does it Work?
First, we determine who your biggest competitors are and place a target around the casino. We can target all of the property or segment off the gaming floors, room towers, pool, etc. and layer
We collect the advertising ID’s using a proprietary process. These advertising ID’s can only be obtained if there is an application installed on their mobile phone that we have access to.
We currently have 180,000 applications that we have agreements with including Google Maps and other very common applications. We estimate 70% of all mobile devices have an application installed that we have an agreement with.
Once we have this advertising ID, we are able to track them for the life of their phone … this Advertising ID does not expire like cookies which makes this method very powerful to be able to stay in touch with them for an extended period of time.

This can mean years. Imagine ability to retarget and draw back those who were most interested in gaming, or who enjoy shows? The possibilities are only limited by the creativity of your offers sent to these segmented groups of your most sought after customers… or their competition’s.
Once they see the ads and decide to visit your casino, we attempt to target them again to indicate we were able to conquest them from the competitor and bring them to our casino.
Download The Definitive Guide To GeoConquesting